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NCN 77 Dundee to Errol


Continue through Errol, at the junction go straight on.

On the left is the remains of the former wartime training airfield, where pilots fresh from flying training gained skills in aerial combat. A Fairey Gannet, bought as an “attraction” for the Sunday Market, can be seen languishing on the airfield. Nowadays the Scottish School of Parachuting has their home at Errol, the Schools’ Cessna operates from the airfield.

Note: This route was surveyed on a quiet Saturday afternoon, it may be considerably busier on Sunday with the market traffic.

Farther down the road the next point of anything interesting is a level crossing, cross over and look out for the turning on the right, then turn right sign posted for Invergowrie.

The next point of interest is another level crossing, after crossing turn left and continue alongside the railway line.

After a winding country lane, the NCN 77 emerges out at the shore of the Tay at Kingoodie, continue through the village.

Invergowrie follows after crossing a railway bridge and shortly after that, turn right and follow the road past the station.

Not long after the station is a ruined church, the churchyard is full of traditional head stones complete with skull and cross-bone motifs.

Approaching the dual carriageway, look out for a water pumping station on the left, mount the kerb at this point (there is no dropped kerb later on) and follow the footpath then turn right going parallel with the dual carriageway.

A pedestrian underpass marks the meeting point of the NCN 77 and the Dundee Green Circular Route, continue alongside the road and up the embankment.

After the peace of the roads through the Carse, the traffic of the road comes as an unpleasant shock. From now on the NCN 77 is on a shared use footpath all the way to the Tay Road Bridge.

A road joins from the right, continue straight on, at the roundabout continue straight on, after the restaurant, turn right, left and continue on airport road.

Outside the airport, cross straight over the entrance road and continue behind the hangars. At the end of the road turn left just before the gates of the wastewater pumping station, then right and continue along the footpath.

A road joins from the right at the playing fields, continue straight on, approach a lay-by with a snack bar head towards the river and turn left, continue alongside river and underneath the railway bridge. The piers of the ill fated Tay Railway bridge can be seen amongst those of the new bridge.

Shortly after the bridge is a small fenced enclosure. A plaque mounted on a coping stone from the old bridge marks the centenary of the Tay Rail bridge. All along riverside is a series of notice boards detailing the history of Dundee and items on the waterfront.

Turn left at the ornamental fountain and continue around the RRS Discovery.

Millennium sign post at Olympia Pool, continue to the left, between pool and the riverside. Pass in front of the hotel for the short run to the Tay Road Bridge.

The North Sea Cycle Route NCN 1, joins the NCN 77 at this point. If you wish to continue northward on the NCN 1 then it is advisable to follow the signposts for the Dundee Green Circular rather than the NCN 1. The NCN goes off, needlessly into Dundee City canter while the Green Circular uses quieter roads to get to the same place as the NCN 1.