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A912 Friarton


A912 Perth to Newburgh Road — into Perth (northbound).

Friarton, the A912 joins the motorway slip road at the crest of a hill. Traffic from Bridge of Earn are more likely to be concentrating on the traffic from the motorway than in front of them. Keep to the side and watch your back.

A912 Perth to Newburgh Road — out of Perth (southbound).

Friarton - real white knuckler. Traffic leaving Perth first pass through a 40 mph zone before going straight on for Bridge of Earn or second left for the motorway on-ramp. I have lost count of the number of times I have been cut up by accelerating traffic entering the motorway on ramp. One of these days my luck is going to run out...

A useful survival technique is to keep a look out as to what is coming up behind you and wobble your bike as you approach the junction. Road users may toot or gesticulate but at least they saw you!

I have heard it discussed that the councils' solution will be to make the footpath on the eastern side of the A912 Shared Use as far as Friarton Prison, then cross the A912 to continue along the footpath on the eastern side. An easy cop-out but not a workable solution for experienced cyclists. Time and time again deskbound road planners fail to realise that cyclists take the easy route - when climbing it is better to stay on the road than to suffer a substandard footpath surface.